No more 2am Google searches!
Let’s get you the support you need for your family to thrive. 

Let's work together

*I feel strongly that sleep support should be as accessible as possible, and I understand that these prices are prohibitive to some. I reserve one spot per month for my two-week support program at a discounted rate of $350. This spot is designated for a family that truly feels the regular price is not financially feasible for their current situation. I am so committed to families getting the rest they deserve, so please, if you feel this applies to you, please email me at



Wrap-up phone call at end of 2 weeks to answer additional questions and set you up for ongoing success

2 weeks of support via text (phone support as needed)

Initial phone call to review sleep plan

Personalized sleep plan developed to meet the unique needs of you, your babe, and your family


Great for parents who are ready for more concrete, thorough support in facilitating calmer, more predictable, and more restful sleep for them and their child.




45-minute phone call to discuss any sleep-related questions you have


Great for parents who are ready for more concrete, thorough support in facilitating calmer, more predictable, and more restful sleep for them and their child.



Email me and let's set up a time to chat!

Not Sure which route makes sense for you?

There are so many benefits to hiring a sleep consultant! These are just a handful of reasons…

Information: Baby sleep can be really overwhelming. And Google is scary, unreliable, and straight up crazy sometimes. I can answer all your sleep questions right here!

Accountability: Once the information is consolidated, it can be really hard to stick to a plan. I am here to hold you accountable to your goals!

Reassurance: Sleep is a journey. 100%. Lots of ups and downs, twists and turns. I have serious empathy for everyone going through it, and I will always celebrate the wins, both big and small, with you. 
Honesty: If there’s one personality trait to define me, it’s honest (for better or for worse haha). I will always be real with you.

Fresh Eyes: Sometimes it’s hard to work through challenges when you’re tired, anxious, and upset (we’ve all been there, I promise you…). I will gather information with a fresh perspective on the situation and give you the support you need.


I work with newborns all the way through elementary schoolers. With that said, the support I provide to parents of younger babies looks quite different than to older babies and big kids. I work with parents who are expecting or in their “fourth trimester” (first three months postpartum) on setting up expectations around newborn and infant sleep, how to clear up day/night confusion, soothing techniques, and creating a safe and calming sleep environment and bedtime routine. At this age, babies still need a lot of help - but it’s also a great time to start setting a good foundation for sleep. 
Between 12-16 weeks (adjusted), their routine starts to solidify a little more - babies become more aware of their surroundings and their sleep starts to develop into more of a rhythm. This is the time I start working with parents on giving their babies more opportunities to develop some more independence and consistency around sleep. And with toddlers and big kids, we also work to foster more confidence and independence around sleep – but in different ways! No matter the age of your babe, we will work toward a more solid sleep routine, in a way that is developmentally appropriate and meets them where they’re at.
Also - it’s truly never too late to work on building a more positive and restful sleep routine! The older the child is, the more involved in the process they become. If you are facing sleep challenges with your child, don’t hesitate to reach out and I can evaluate if my services are appropriate for you.


Babies grow so fast. Their brains and bodies are constantly evolving, and as they reach new milestones, we need to make adjustments along the way and meet our children where they're at. The sleep journey is not linear - there are ups and downs along the way. When I work with a family, I ensure they feel confident moving forward to tackle new challenges that arise. And I don’t drop my clients! When new questions pop up, I will still be here to help guide you. 

I sleep-trained my baby and they slept so well for a while. Now their sleep is all over the place. What happened?

I do not believe there is a “one size fits all” approach to sleep. I have education and experience with a range of sleep training methods and meet families where they’re at. I will NEVER force a family to do something they are not comfortable with. Every sleep plan I write is fully personalized, and I always provide options upfront and along the way. 

Do you use a specific method for sleep training?

No! “Cry it out”, or the Extinction Method, is not a method I typically recommend to families (unless a family is specifically seeking coaching using that method). With that said, no approach to sleep training is 100% tear-free. I firmly believe that change is hard for all humans – and when we’re trying to shift a child’s sleep routine, it is SO normal for them to have feeling about that. Trying something new can be hard (even as an adult!). But when we continue to give our children more opportunities to *try* and fall asleep with less support, they will develop more confidence which will lead to independence.

Will my baby have to “cry it out”?

Absolutely not. Sleep training is NOT synonymous with night weaning. Overnight feeds are very age-appropriate through much of infancy and I encourage families to maintain this practice if it continues to benefit their baby nutritionally . However, if you are looking to cut back on night feeds (and it has been approved by your pediatrician), I am happy to help you do that.

If I sleep train, do I have to stop feeding overnight?

I do work with families that are currently co-sleeping and are ready to create some space. I also like to work with parents to continue creating special, snuggly moments with their babies even when transitioning away from co-sleeping. 

My baby and I are currently co-sleeping. Can we work with you?

- Stephen, dad of Leo (6 months)

My wife and I recommend Alanna enthusiastically and without reservations. Our child had special early-life needs, and it was hard to feel like generic sleep advice was appropriate. While others told us that our sleep priorities were unrealistic, Alanna listened to our needs and helped us make a personalized, actionable plan that fit within other constraints from our child's care team. With Alanna's guidance and constant encouragement, we were able to get our child sleeping through the night and napping independently! Of all the child-health-related professionals we have interacted with, Alanna stands out as among the very best.

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- Maya, mom of Lior (6 months)

"From DAY ONE, Alanna had my clingy baby taking long, independent naps in the crib. I was so relieved to quickly learn that I didn't need to change anything about him at all to help him get his best sleep. Alanna taught me to tune into his unique sleep needs to help him have great naps and nights and develop a rock-solid sleep foundation. Alanna fundamentally changed my life and my relationship with my baby, and I cannot recommend her enough.

- Elena, mom of Wyatt (3 years)

Sleep deprivation for parents is no joke. We were at the end of our rope when we reached out to Alanna for help with our 3 year old son who was taking 45 minutes of screaming to fall asleep and waking up multiple times a night. He was keeping not only my husband and I awake but keeping up our 5 year old and 9 month old. Alanna was kind and considerate and listened to our concerns and questions. She worked with us to develop an easy to execute plan for our son and kept with us for the entire two weeks. 14 days later and our son is sleeping through the night and taking only 5-10 minutes to fall asleep. We are so grateful for Alanna and her service. Highly recommend!

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- Robin, mom of Cora (6 years)

Seriously, hire Alanna. She's amazing! She gave us more than a personalized sleep plan, she gave us the confidence we needed to achieve success. Her thoughtfulness (she recorded a video for our 5-year-old daughter), loving approach, and consistent support were just what we needed. Our family is so grateful for her and yours will be too!

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- Nora, mom of Rory (5 months)

Alanna is a sleep superhero! Our 6 month old went from only sleeping while held and waking up every 15-30 minutes in the night to being able to fall asleep independently in his own crib! Despite two failed attempts at sleep-training on our own, she guided us with patience and expertise. Her accessibility and focus on our comfort made the process less daunting. We now feel more confident navigating any sleep challenges that come our way!

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- Jessica, mom of Dylan (4 months)

My time with Alanna was truly life changing. I reached out to her when I had gotten so far off track of my sleep goals with my kiddo I didn't know if I could possibly get us back on track. She walked along beside me always offering guidance while also supporting me as an expert on my own child at the same time. The skills fostered during our time working with Alanna continue to support healthy sleep and a happy life for everyone in our family each day.

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